Mar 19, 2013

Fresh's Umbrian Clay Mattifying Serum

Every once in a while, or quite frequently, a product comes along that I just cannot get off my mind... You know, the item that just keeps popping into your thoughts throughout the day, and you know your obessiveness will not end until you just purchase the gosh-darn thing already... Yeah, that's happening right now.

Mar 5, 2013

February Favorites

My very first "Favorites" post!!!  I'm super excited to share with you guys my most loved and most used products from this past month!  I really like reading the monthly favorites posts...maybe it's because it has become habit to expect them.  Expectation = anticipation...?  Anyway, before I go off on a random tangent...
I wanted to add in some other non-beauty, "life" favorites just to add a little more personal flair to this post.  Other than being a beauty/fashion addict (junkie sounded too's true, but you know), I do like other things like reading, listening to music, etc, etc - and I thought it would be really fun to share some of those things with you as well.